Her finder du en række spændende links til brug i fysik/kemi-undervisningen.
INTERAKTIV 'PhET Simulations'
Sjove, interaktive, videnskabsbaserede simuleringer af fysiske fænomener fra PhET-projektet ved University of Colorado. Du kan søge i simuleringerne efter emne, type, sværhedsgrad/niveau og sprog.
The Concord Consortium
WEB 'The Concord Consortion' is a nonprofit educational research and development organization based in Concord, Massachusetts. Our Activity Finder features some of the best of our free, open source activities in science, math and engineering.
INTERAKTIV 'Greenhouse Gases' This activity uses a computer model to explore how the earth's atmosphere affects the energy balance between incoming and outgoing radiation.
INTERAKTIV 'Making and Breaking Bonds' Explore the association and dissociation of diatomic molecules.
INTERAKTIV 'How Electrons Move'Discover the forces affecting the movement of electrons, including electric and magnetic fields.
WEB 'Energy4me' - Essential Energy Education
Energize your classroom with fun activities from Energy4me. Find ready-to-go presentations, classroom activities, lesson plans, energy facts, and hands-on experiments for teaching energy in a fun, exciting way. Activities for every grade level are available. Did we mention they are FREE for teachers?
Energy4me educational materials were created by teachers for teachers and have been tested in the classroom environment.
Europæiske undervisingsinitiaver
WEB 'InGenious Science' A platform with the best resources in Science Education in Europe. Acces to plactices shared by Universities or Ministries. Collaboration with business to motivate your pupils to become scientists.
WEB 'Scientix' A comunity for scinence and maths education. New resources to stimulate your science classes, suggest new projects, teaching materials and research reports from European science education projects.
WEB 'European Schoolnet' A European network of schools and Ministries of Education. A myriad of projects to encourage school networking and stimulate young people's interest in maths, science and technology, repositories of best practice in Europe, a network of learning resources repositories.
WEB 'Science in Schools' The journal addresses science teaching both across Europe and across disciplines: highlighting the best in teaching and cutting-edge research. It covers not only biology, physics and chemistry, but also earth sciences, engineering and medicine, focusing on interdisciplinary work.